Course curriculum

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    Welcome to Hypnosis Mastery with Ali Campbell

    • How to use this course

    • A message from Ali Campbell

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    Module 1: The Neuroscience of Hypnosis

    • The Neuroscience of Hypnosis

    • Hypnosis Mastery - Module 1 Handbook

    • Introduction - What is Mastery?

    • ​An Introduction to the History of Neuroscience and Hypnosis

    • ​Brain Pattern Changes that Occur During Hypnosis

    • ​Hypnosis, Studied for the First Time with a New Method

    • ​Neural Changes Associated with Hypnosis

    • ​‘The Neuroscience of Hypnosis’ - Full Lecture by David Spiegel

    • Module 1 Hypnosis Mastery Quiz

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    Module 2: Powerful Conversational Hypnosis

    • Powerful Conversational Hypnosis

    • Hypnosis Mastery - Module 2 Handbook

    • Priming / Pre-talk

    • ​Unconscious Cues

    • ​Hypnotic Conversations

    • Process Instructions

    • ​Conversational Memory Induction

    • ​The Silent Hypnotist

    • Using Symbolism for Trance

    • Module 2 Hypnosis Mastery Quiz

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    Module 3: Presuppositions, Vague Language, and Strong Binds

    • Presuppositions, Vague Language, and Strong Binds

    • Hypnosis Mastery - Module 3 Handbook

    • Presuppositions

    • Nominalisations

    • ​Suggesting Direction, but Not the Way

    • ​Naturally Hypnotic Language

    • An Introduction to Binds

    • ​Binds as Part of a Hypnotic Induction

    • ​The Famous Erickson Double Bind

    • ​Examples of Different Types of Binds

    • Module 3 Hypnosis Mastery Quiz

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    Module 4: Commands, Suggestions, Ericksonian Metaphors, and Paradoxical Approaches

    • Commands, Suggestions, Ericksonian Metaphors, and Paradoxical Approaches

    • Hypnosis Mastery - Module 4 Handbook

    • Commands and Suggestions

    • Indirect or Embedded Commands and Suggestions

    • ​Advanced Analogue Marking

    • ​Complex Ericksonian Metaphors Made Easy

    • ​Metaphorical Patterns

    • ​Using Metaphors to Package Suggestions, Commands, and Ideas

    • Trusting your Paws

    • ​The Silent Hypnotist's 'House in the Woods' Metaphor

    • ​Milton Erickson Demonstration - Old and Very Rare Footage

    • Module 4 Hypnosis Mastery Quiz

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    Module 5: Open Loops, Paced Loops, Nested Loops, And Embedded Commands

    • Open Loops, Paced Loops, Nested Loops, And Embedded Commands

    • Hypnosis Mastery - Module 5 Handbook

    • The Professional Guide to Nested Loops

    • ​Introduction to Hypnotic Loops

    • ​Open Hypnotic Loops

    • ​Paced Hypnotic Loops

    • ​Embedded Commands

    • ​Introduction to Nested Loops

    • ​Nested Loops - Establishing the Main Loop

    • Nested Loops - Opening the Main Loop - 'Curiosity'

    • ​Nested Loops - Creating the Second Loop - 'Transition'

    • ​Nested Loops - The Third Pivotal Loop - 'Discovery'

    • ​Closing the Loops

    • Non-Verbal Looping

    • ​Richard Bandler - Example of Loops

    • ​Jamie Smart on Nested Loops

    • ​Ronnie Corbett - Stories Within Stories

    • Module 5 Hypnosis Mastery Quiz

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    Module 6: Observation, Utilisation, and Hypnotic Storytelling

    • Releasing date 27.06.2022 at 12 BST

    • Observation, Utilisation, and Hypnotic Storytelling

    • Hypnosis Mastery - Module 6 Handbook

    • ​Observing Patterns

    • ​Can Hypnosis Fix My Life? - BBC Documentary

    • Utilisation

    • Creating Subconscious Tension to Allow Resolution

    • ​The Art of Hypnotic Storytelling

    • ​The 6 Main Types of Hypnotic Tension

    • ​Recap on the Key Elements of Hypnotic Storytelling

    • ​BONUS: Dr Jeffrey Zeig on Milton - 'Exploring the Genius of Milton Erickson, Part 1'

    • BONUS: Dr Jeffrey Zeig on Milton - 'Exploring the Genius of Milton Erickson, Part 2'

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    • 2 HOURS LIVE SESSION - The Recording

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    Module 7: Advanced Ericksonian Language Patterns

    • Advanced Ericksonian Language Patterns

    • Hypnosis Mastery - Module 7 Handbook

    • Tag Questions

    • ​Compound Suggestions

    • ​Contingent Suggestions and Associational Networks

    • ​Apposition of Opposites

    • ​Implication and the Implied Directive

    • ​The Implied Directive

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    Module 8: Generating Subconscious Signalling

    • Generating Subconscious Signalling

    • Hypnosis Mastery - Module 8 Handbook

    • The 'What' and the 'Why' of Subconscious Signaling

    • The Depth of Trance Required

    • Setting Up Permissions

    • Selecting the Correct Subconscious Signal

    • Setting a Time Frame.....Or Not!

    • Removing the Signals Again

    • Module 8 Hypnosis Mastery Quiz

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    Module 9: Subliminal Messages

    • Subliminal Messages

    • Hypnosis Mastery - Module 9 Handbook

    • The 'What', 'Why', and 'How' of Subliminal Messages

    • Subliminal Messages - How Many, and What to Say

    • The Music Bed to Use - What are Solfeggio Frequencies?

    • ​The Exact Software to Use for Recording

    • ​Professional Solfeggio 396Hz - Backing Music for Anxiety

    • ​​Professional Solfeggio 432Hz - Backing Music for Self-Doubt

    • ​​Professional Solfeggio 528Hz - Backing Music for Improved Health

    • ​​Professional Solfeggio 639Hz - Backing Music for Balancing Emotions

    • ​​Professional Solfeggio 742Hz - Backing Music for Stress

    • ​​Professional Solfeggio 852Hz - Backing Music for Ending Procrastination

    • Module 9 Hypnosis Mastery Quiz

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    • 2 HOURS LIVE SESSION - The Recording

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    Module 10: Bringing It All Together in a Structured Session

    • Join Ali as he walks you through a FULL Hypnosis session from beginning to end.

    • Bringing It All Together in a Structured Session

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    Final Quiz and Assignment

    • Hypnosis Mastery Final Assessment

    • Congratulations! And What To Do Next...

    • Download your logo here

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    London 2022 - October: 2-Day Live Training Event

    • Day 1

    • Day 2

    • Loops Exercise - Zoom Group 1

    • Loops Exercise - Zoom Group 2

    • Loops Exercise - Zoom Group 3

    • Loops Exercise - Room Group 1

    • Loops Exercise - Room Group 2

    • Loops Exercise - Room Group 3

    • Loops Exercise - Room Group 4

    • Loops Exercise - Room Group 5

    • Subconscious priming sequence - Demo

    • Fear of Public Speaking - Demo

    • Sensory Acuity - Demo

    • The Neurological Levels - Demo